I mean, I do want cheaper GenAI in the sense that I want people to see that it’s dollar store crap that’s not worth the electricity to run the servers to make it and give it up like they did the fucking Juicero and every other smart appliance a couple years ago. God forbid I hold my breath and people wise up and understand that these people are all grifters looking to tape a horn to a horse and sell their “unicorn” to FAANG or whatever the equivalent is these days, I can’t be assed to rewrite the new poob acronym.
Honestly, the suffering was going to happen either way. We’ve been spewing carbon into the atmosphere for, what, five decades now? We were already further along on the worst case scenario than most models accounted for and it’s been continuing to accelerate. I don’t mean to sound defeatist but like, the Titanic has been sinking for a long time, all this one election decided is how much time we have to get to the lifeboats and wait for the ocean to swallow us.
I was already not planning on having kids or retirement in 2015, that sure hasn’t changed with everything that’s happened since. I feel for everyone who will be affected by climate catastrophe (i.e. everyone) but like, we have been sowing for that harvest since before I was born.