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Joined 11 days ago
Cake day: January 19th, 2025


  • Yes, as I said, western people with vague ties and no evidence of said ties making up stories.

    We know what genocide looks like when a country has complete control over all communications … It looks like hd video. It looks like leaked audio. It looks like tens of thousands of refugees despite military blockades on all sides.

    It is not vague stories and claims from people that voluntarily left decades earlier. It is not stories that you can immediately disprove on a visit. It is not the d-tier propaganda that people like you only believe due to racism and believing the Chinese are so fundamentally different that those doing the genocide would have not one single person defect and come forward. The Chinese are human. Not a hive mind. In even the most brainwashed examples of real genocide, a double digit percentage of those perpetrating it defect and try to tell the world. Not one single one has. None of the thousands upon thousands of people required in the act and cover-up of this ‘genocide’ have broke… Making it the most successful conspiracy in the history of the world… If it were true.

    Why do you people stop having critical thinking skills the second China is mentioned?

  • A) solar energy isn’t clean, and it’s the exact opposite of environmentally friendly; it’s just that current power sources are so much worse it looks good by comparison.

    B) fusion cannot ever be profitable. The fuel for it is the most common on the planet, if not the universe, requires no special refining, and can’t be made artificially scarce. A post fusion world is a post energy industry world. It’s the practical end of what currently owns the US and other countries.

    This has drastically reduced funding for it and has blocked advancement for decades. This project among others in China have no profit motive, they are trying to accomplish a goal without caring how they can become rich off it. If fusion energy is possible, it’ll be done in China.