Makes me wish LMMS had a mobile app lol
Makes me wish LMMS had a mobile app lol
Nice catch, Blanco Niño, but too bad your ass got saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaacked.
Guessing it’s in reference to being overwhelmed by physical stimuli, common among certain flavors of neurodivergency. I don’t get that way with showers, but rarely I find myself being suddenly hyper-aware of the sensations from the clothes I’m wearing to the point of feeling overstimulated and stressed the hell out.
Considering how many people I’ve heard here in the states say without a lick of irony that we should nuke China/Russia/insert middle eastern nation here for insert reasons here, as if the world’s biggest hammer will fix any situation, I think Americans are just obsessed with death to an unhealthy degree. Hell, growing up in the heyday of the Bush years, I couldn’t tell you how many times I’ve heard kids in my class say that themselves.
I’m currently using LMMS - it’s fine for my needs, but the lack of VST3 support is deffo worth noting. I’ll have to graduate to something better soon.
Ah yes, the titpuddle scene.