Most of America if we’re being honest.
Most of America if we’re being honest.
It already says he’s not qualified to be president.
The wording is no person shall be “elected” of Trump claims he won the last term too he is not legally entitled to be in office and that bill wouldn’t change that fact.
I was wrong it was before the declaration of Independence.
One of the few places you can get legit quaaludes is south Africa.
April so yeah.
50ml, they’re gas station one hitter bottles.
Quakers don’t fuck, iirc they were the first to riot after the usa was forged.
Man you the one crying about some shit that didn’t even happen to you.
The account I heard says he did but they didn’t specify if that was from the report in which case probably from a cop or if it was someone on scene.
Snow patrol - Coldplay light but also better strangely
Close but no cigar, mineral rights are the front page to get his dumb self absorbed base into it. The main swing imo as far as I can tell is to control more shipping hence the move on the Panama canal and friendly extensions to Egypt (suez).
Considering the fact we’ve been clapping “third world dictators” and installing others purely for profit or wouldn’t at all be surprising but you can bet it’ll be a weirdly confounding way. Ie. So unbelievably obvious and discrediting and yet so plausible no one can honestly tell if it’s fact or bullshit, coincidental or intentional.
Imma call it the Gulf of Hispaniola to really confuse the matter.
Somehow I imagine schools that are just now replacing maps that show the USSR with these products of ego. Like we as a nation are hilariously bad with geography but we don’t need to throw in curve balls to make us look dumber.
The fact we’re going to spend money to print new fucking maps is infuriating.
They know conservative media, this was going to happen regardless of the pardon but at least now there is a massive precedential hurdle in the way of actual prosecution. Investigate away, it won’t come to anything because it can’t.
No. 500 FBI agents showed up and protested his release.
You missed the most important part, in prison for murders his accusers later plainly stated not only he didn’t do it but physically could not have.
Half of 50 is 25, 30 is more than 25 so remind me again how exactly is it not most states.