If you wanted anarchy wouldn’t a place potentially on the verge of a second civil war be exactly where you wanted to be? That’s gonna be the time you could be the best anarchist of all. When everyone else is busy shooting each other.
If you wanted anarchy wouldn’t a place potentially on the verge of a second civil war be exactly where you wanted to be? That’s gonna be the time you could be the best anarchist of all. When everyone else is busy shooting each other.
I hated it as a kid but as an adult now that plays a lot of video games and generally sits on my ass I am more and more appreciative of my mother’s insistence that I get outside.
She still let us play video games but much less than other kids at the time.
We basically had infinite forest to explore and we often would set up tree houses or other forts for days or hours. I remember a buddy came over one time and we just spent an entire day making booby traps for our secret base. We hid spike traps under false floors and all sorts of stuff lol.
Really it’s a miracle we only got as hurt as often as we did. We did so many stupid things for entertainment.
God I can’t wait to be kept up all night by the warm glow of the giant Coca-Cola ad in space shining down on me at night.
In other news I’m radicalized now.
I swear to God if I see space advertisements I will organize a militia so goddamn fast.
The micro plastics make it taste better.
Man when I was a kid I would take off on my bike with a backpack full of knives and lighters to go over to my friends house to blow things up and generally be destructive little boys.
My mom wouldn’t even know where I had gone or when I was going to get back most of the time. She just had a rule that I had to call her before sun down and tell her where I was or ask permission to sleep wherever I was.
I’m not saying it was better back then, but it was a super different world we grew up in.
Yup. It’s simply not worth the potential for escalation.
I can get pretty confrontational, but when it comes to road rage I simply do not engage. Too many variables and zero upside.
I got a dash cam because of the unbelievable number of drivers that act like the world revolves around them or they pull out in front of me on the freeway and just never speed up to highway speeds.
These days it’s usually a Tesla which is extra annoying cause I know those things can accelerate.
I learned how to edit text pixel by pixel in paint 3d.
I had been skipping out on classes and while I was technically still passing my grades weren’t high enough for something my family was doing so I just made a few minor edits. I don’t even remember what it was for. Probably a ski trip or something.
They never found out lol.
I used my pixel level editing skills to get a few friends outta some things or into some things.
I’m one of the few people who liked paint 3d I guess.
You gotta remember the drivers of these things tend to be the biggest hotheads with an inferiority complex on planet earth. I wouldn’t go out of my way to antagonize them. You never know when one of them is gonna snap and make you part of a statistic.
I hate these headlights as much as everyone else but I don’t see the point in losing my mind or life over it. I just try and change lanes and let them go so they can rear end some other poor sucker.
This is the way.
Erasing any proof of the bad things we used to do is not good for the future. You need to leave them there and add a warning so the context of the time is considered, but it should ultimately be left alone.
I like the other peoples ideas of offering both the original cut and the recur edition that way people can choose how they want to see it.
Thank you for the additional information from the time period lol. I was so confused.
Ah yes the ol 4…no wait 5… Wait 7 string guitar?
Cool picture at a glance but like most AI pictures it falls apart when you start looking at the details too closely lol.
Those wheels/tires look like a nightmare for technical mountain riding with all that weight all the way at the edge of the rotational mass.
Looks like a fantastic bike for some chill cruising though.
These are the stupid memories that stick with you when you grow up though.
Nobody remembers all the times their parents just said no and dismissed your curiosity. But we absolutely remember the times where our parents engaged in our curiosity.
Good dad. Good kid. A bit of a waste of butter, but it was worth it for the internet points and bonding between parent and child.
As a Gadsden flag enjoyer I find that most people that fly the flag have no fucking clue what it actually means.
The one that always cracks me up is the Gadsden flown alongside a thin blue line flag.
Motherfuckers who do you think the government is gonna fetch when it’s time to start treading??
It’s of no concern to me. I think vagina feels superior in every single way and I don’t like all the prep that women have to do on their ends (heh) for receiving. I would rather do a number of other things before that in the bedroom
That being said if SHES into it I won’t object. Its just not anything that I particularly have any extra drive to do.
Yeah but you would have to convince Virginians to live closer to one place instead of being scattered to the wind across their state lol.
The secret is having a over a third of your country living within a few kilometers of your largest city and more than half the country live within a few kilometers of the capitol and largest city.
It is nearly the exact same size as Virginia and shares almost exactly the same population. They just have the majority of their citizens living in or around two cities that aren’t that far from each other (hour and half drive or less than an hour by train between the two cities).
I say “BONESAW IS READYYYYYY” all the time and almost nobody ever gets my reference.
I grew up with the Rami spiderman movies so they are like burned into my brain.
Our government took 3 billion dollars of our tax money to bolster our Internet infrastructure.
That was like 12 years ago. The money just vanished and they went “oops”. God I wish we had fiber everywhere.
I used to have fiber but now I’m on lowly copper gigabit lol
You’ll get em next time champs.