Ah, I see. Yes, you’re right, they do manufacture reference design cards. First time dealing with reference models, since those aren’t sold where I live, hence the confusion, haha
Those will all be the same in terms of temperature and clock speeds. Build quality should only vary insignificantly, although I do not trust Gigabyte, due to 3000 series PCB issues and how they handled it, and ASUS due to their borderline scam customer support.
You won’t be getting any warranty buying used, I don’t think. So, imo, just get the cheapest one. You should concern yourself more with the seller, and do make sure to thoroughly check everything after buying. Both physically and performance-wise.
Ads, complete lack of privacy, kremlinbots.
It used to be the platform that did one thing good. Build communities. Not it does a lot of things, but all of them badly.
Not to mention that their owners are the main reason why “YouTube works bad, because Google’s servers are degrading”. Basically, Roscomnadzor (an official government censorship service) has been making YouTube unusable for over a year now to make people switch to VK Video or Rutube (both owned by same entity) whilst pretending that it doesn’t. Did it work? According to them, yes. According to reality, however, the vast majority just switched to using VPN.