That’s a great step in the right direction, but unless they ban other bisphenol compounds, they are just ‘moving the problem around’ because popular substitutes like BPS and BPF are just as, if not more dangerous.
BPA-Free Isn’t Always Better: The dangers of BPS, a BPA substitute - Yale Scientific
BPS and BPF are as Carcinogenic as BPA and are Not Viable Alternatives for its Replacement - PubMed
I’ve never been a UMH customer, but about 7 months after the breach happened (November), I got a letter from the company handling customer complaints for Change Healthcare, telling me an unbeknown amount of my medical and or financial information was leaked to unknown parties via some unknown method. If I had questions, I could call the company handling customer complaints.
When I called to ask how Change came to be in possession of my medical data, that they then lost, and subsequently failed to inform me of the situation within my state’s statutory notification window for having your data hacked, the representative told me they didn’t know, and would not be able to find out what company had entrusted them with my data.