I know we should not objectify people, and I rarely do.
That said… As a heterosexual man I got to say that this is one of the first times I have truly seen how handsome Elvis was. God damn.
I know we should not objectify people, and I rarely do.
That said… As a heterosexual man I got to say that this is one of the first times I have truly seen how handsome Elvis was. God damn.
Nice! Looking forward to the update
I disagree. I believe that in the right hands it sharpens as it passes. If it does not, then you might need to change the way you talk to others in order to get there.
There are many times I have had thoughts that are principally correct or ideologically true to my beliefs, but that has been more moderated as I have heard the opinions and thoughts of others.
In a perfect world my values would be shared by everyone and the principles I hold would be shared amongst everyone. But we live in a world of compromise, and we can not fight every fight. And also, I am not infallible, my core beliefs are probably somewhat wrong.
Take the very current situation with free speech. I used to have a lot stronger opinion in support of absolute free speech, now I am more reserved. Principally I believe in absolute free speech still, but that won’t work in a non-perfect world
404media.co has a really high quality one! They also got a 2024 award from EFF.
“Welcome to the podcast from 404 Media where Joseph, Sam, Emanuel, and Jason catch you up on the stories we published this week. 404 Media is a journalist-owned digital media company exploring the way technology is shaping–and is shaped by–our world. We bring you unparalleled access to hidden worlds both online and IRL through investigative reporting, smart blogging, and breaking news. At 404 Media you’ll read, and hear, stories you can’t find anywhere else written by journalists who are leading experts on their beats.”
Why would you want to think independently? I am a collective thinker. I ask other people their opinions and discuss it with them. That’s how I learn and form my own opinions, and how you end up with good solutions to problems. You don’t have enough time to form good opinions on lots of topics, but you have time to curate your sources and who you discuss things with. You should aim for a good signal/noise ratio.
Thinking independently / being a free thinker is overrated in my opinion. A somewhat elitist way of describing oneself. “Not being a sheep” etc.
Identify your core values, sensible opinions can be derived from those. If there is a mismatch between your derived opinion based on one of your core values, then maybe you have to reconsider your core values. The best way to discover those is through discussion with others.
Being truly curious and discussing openly with others is one of the great joys of socializing. It can be done with people from all parts of the political spectrum. It’s much more enjoyable than small talk.
I am curious why you are getting downvoted here. Can someone explain? I was considering putting a rainbow sticker on my laptop for solidarity
There are another important reason than most of the issues pointer out here that docker solves.
By using containerization Docker effectively creates another important barrier which is incredibly hard to escape, which is the OS (container)
If one server is running multiple Docker containers, a vulnerability in one system does not expose the others. This is a huge security improvement. Now the attacker needs to breach both the application and then break out of a container in order to directly access other parts of the host.
Also if the Docker images are big then the dev needs to select another image. You can easily have around 100MB containers now. With the “distroless” containers it is maybe down to like 30 MB if I recall correctly. Far from 1GB.
Reproducability is also huge efficiency booster. “Here run these this command and it will work perfecty on your machine” And it actually does.
It also reliably allows the opportunity to have self-healing servers, which means businesses can actually not have people available 24/7.
The use of containerization is maybe one of the greatest marvels in software dev in recent (10+) years.
This is answered as a Scandinavian.
One of the biggest issues I see with Deepseek and really any AI is that people feed it with sensitive data. Deepseek is probably not a big issue as long as people don’t share sensitive data about other people.
People find a tool that make them more effective, then they use it at work and insert data that should not be shared unfortunately.
The risk is also there for ChatGPT and Claude. The difference is that they are not a company from a country that is considered adversarial by my government.
USA is not perfect, far from it, and we KNOW from the Snowden leaks that they can’t be trusted. Yet, they are allies and can thus by extension be more trusted, than a country that has laws that force cooperation by companies and people worldwide.
As a European I prefer that my data is leaked to the USA over China. But I trust neither with it.
I might be wrong, and would like to learn that I am wrong. So feel free to try to convince me otherwise.
Recommended reading: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Intelligence_Law_of_the_People's_Republic_of_China