But that’s the thing, there was actual competition. It’s not like they weren’t competing with each other.
They are freaking out because the competition is Chinese, specifically. I seriously doubt the read of this situation would be that the bottom fell out of AI if one of the usual broligarchs had come up with a cheaper process for training.
Did the US accidentally generate an incentive for that to happen in China by shoddily blocking tensor math accelerators but only the really fancy ones and only kinda sorta sometimes? Sure. But both the fearmongering being used to enforce those limitations and the absolute freakout they are currently having seems entirely disconnected from reality.
Maybe we can go back to treating this as computer science rather than an arms race for a while now.
I am aggressively hoping that this also means they release them on GOG like they did with early PC ports. It is genuinely why I’ve been holding out on most recent Sony ports (and Yakuza games, Sega, I did notice).