Honestly: books and PeerTube.
Anarchist, autistic, engineer, and Certified Professional Life-Regretter. If you got a brick of text, don’t be alarmed; that’s normal.
Honestly: books and PeerTube.
FreeTube v0.22.1-nightly-5404 Beta with the Local API is working fine for me. Try the latest nightly build.
I mean I graduated high school in 2014 and it was absolutely challenging to find a job, buy a house, afford groceries, etc. So challenging, in fact, that I only managed one of those things. Like that’s why I developed anxiety, because my brain was (rightly!) occupied with the thought that I would never be able to get a job and be independent in the contemporary economy, which was completely correct.
Things are worse now for sure but shit was bad back then too.
34.5 × 2 = 69 nice
No but seriously idk
Edit: no I don’t know why my phone decided to cut out the bottom of the image but not crop out the black pixels. Yes phone, that’s exactly what I wanted.
How do you reach people with a new product that didn’t exist before? Or a Service?
What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. Is there anything of which one can say, “Look! This is something new"? It was here already, long ago; it was here before our time. No one remembers the former generations, and even those yet to come will not be remembered by those who follow them.
—Ecclesiastes 1:9-10, New International Version
EDIT: I’m not a Christian and I’m not trying to convert anyone to my faith (or lack thereof), I just think it’s a neat quote.
My point really is that you can generally talk about your products in some existing forum with reference to existing things. For example, if I wanted people to listen to my music, which I have deluded myself into thinking is a unique, previously unheard-of blend of genres, I would post links onto music forums and groups who are interested in recommendations of music adjacent to the type I produce. And that is how I actually spread my music on Reddit (although not as PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S) back when it was fresh. No ads, no wasting people’s time and internet. I only reached people who already expressed their interest to receive music like mine. I got a very small following, but I achieved my goal.
Nothing is so unique that it belongs in no forum or is of interest to no existing community, yet simultaneously needs to be broadcast to the entire world. I have no problem with people sending me stuff they believe in to my email or other inbox, blow it up for all I care, but what I do take issue with is shoving that stuff into my web browsing experience or even sandwiched into the content I’m trying to watch.
Fuck ALL advertisements. Yes, even “unobtrusive” ones, especially yours. If I want your shit, I will find you. If I appreciate your shit, I’ll pay you for your time. If you want to connect, I’m all ears. Otherwise, fuck off capitalists, fuck off advertisers, and fuck off useful idiots who want to waste my finite lifespan in this miserable universe showing me ads.
Generally speaking I keep everything personal to myself unless it’s to my advantage because I live in America, and America destroys anything/anyone inconvenient for business, so I’m not going to give assholes the ammunition to shoot me with. So no I really don’t share my neurodivergence with people, at least not IRL.