Weird they censored the picture, the last time I saw this cycle through the picture wasn’t censored
Just your normal everyday casual software dev. Nothing to see here.
Weird they censored the picture, the last time I saw this cycle through the picture wasn’t censored
good call, I was under the understanding the unused line would be isolated/not external, but yea some companies get lazy and never disconnect and just turn the service off on their side. This wouldn’t be a problem with Antenna setups but a cable setup defo check that!
I refuse to comprehend why an admin override style panel is even needed for this. It’s one thing if its owned by the dealer, but if you have the title to your car, its unnecessary for your employees to need access to every customers vehicle past purchase. Once it’s been handed over, there is zero reason for a remote employee to be able to access your car remotely, paying for a service or not.
This isn’t a third party gaining access to a customers account, this is a third party gaining access to a Subaru employees account, who for some reason can access an “admin panel” that has every Subaru car in it and the ability to remote control it. That’s insane.
I hate that I noticed the syntax error on line 263 before I realized what the joke was. (at least I assume that 260 contains a function with a callback meaning it is missing the closing parenthesis)
Others have already said EoP but I wanted to bring another option to the table. If your house had Coax run in the rooms either for an antenna or cable and its no longer in use, you can use a MOCA adapter, which transmits Ethernet over coax. This method doesn’t have the flaw that the EoP method does where your throughput gets killed if its on a different circuit.
Yeah but it was more so talking about how when Democrats are in power it’s okay to criticize both Democrat and republicans, however once Republicans are in power you’re not allowed to criticize Republicans because the power stigma shifts.
something that I’ve started noticing as of late as well. If you try to criticize the Republican Party you’ll be met with resistance, arguments and full shutdown leadin to personal attacks, where if you criticize the Democratic Party, they will still disagree with what you say but they’ll at least listen to you.
that site must not work on mobile, every picture posted there is in black and white for me, which makes them look really ugly
The second link works though, as long as I stay on that image
Yeah definitely a mobile thing, because I just changed the filter over to gradient and you can tell there’s slight color involved but everything looks like shown through a dirty glass pane
I love that Banner though
For myself, I love the fact that it’s clear that it’s not an actual game controller, however you can tell it is meant to be. This gives the first glance look at a community that is gaming related without defaulting to a specific platform.
I would say that if the game controller icon gets changed it should keep that individuality, meaning that I wouldn’t recommend it become a picture of an actual controller or a diagram depicting an actual controller
The banner I can see yea I never noticed that before, but I like the community icon, it isn’t a currently valid gamepad(that I can recognize), but gets the point across it’s game related without hinting at a prioritization or preference of system.
If the icon changed I would love if it kept it’s individuality by remaining a fake controller instead of being an image(or depiction) of a real one.
So, in the case of it clearly closing due to the Union, what protections does Quebec or Canada have in regards to situations like that?
In a perfect world they would be fined 30% of all Canadian profit for the year that they decided to close. But honestly I’m not expecting anything to happen out of it.
I can see that for the first two, but still doesn’t make sense for musk appearing as well
I mean, from what I understand (I don’t use Meta) it force followed trumps account.
They are also facing backlash from the fact that searching Democrat was registered as a hidden action (meaning it hid all results) but searching republican yielded thousands.
They are also using the excuse that it might just be the official POTUS account, which would have been transferred to trump from biden.
The issue with these claims? Why would JD Vance and Musk suddenly be followed as well if this wasnt the case. My grandfather is STRONGLY Democrat, he’s also the picture stereotype of Boomer when it comes to technology. There is ZERO reason JD Vance, Musk or Trump would have been followed on his feed alone, this morning he told me all three were “followed” and showing in his feed, so he blocked them.
They can sweep this under the rug all they want but, something was done on Meta’s end, and it definitely resulted in those accounts being forced into every users feeds.
While I think desalination is the way to go in the long run, I am concerned about the state of Texas being the one to do it. You know corners will be cut every step of the way there. Desalination is still eco unfriendly even when dealt with properly, if you cut those corners the damages can be devastating. The brine created destroys the eco-balance where-ever its spread over even in low amounts. Killing basically everything present. A large scale of such a project might also impact more than just the coastal waters in the gulf, that current gets swept past florida, so this could also be effecting florida’s coastal industry as well.
The issues regarding may be email providor side. I just signed up using a gmail account, but it wouldn’t go through with my AOL email.