Was it baristas that were laid off or office workers? Minimum wage for their corporate headquarters is a bit over $20/hour, and I’d suspect very few corporate employees are making only minimum wage.
Also me:
Was it baristas that were laid off or office workers? Minimum wage for their corporate headquarters is a bit over $20/hour, and I’d suspect very few corporate employees are making only minimum wage.
I remember reading something a while ago that said the rubber backed mats should never go in the dryer, and while I forget the exact reason, it wasn’t just because the dryer damages the mat. Searching online, it looks like the rubber can also damage the dryer and poses an increased fire risk.
A bit of a random question: on a single user instance, if you subscribe to a community, then later unsubscribe from it, would that community still show up in your All feed?
If it makes you feel any better, the handle looks a bit short to be intended for a toilet. It’s probably intended for cleaning bottles.
Agreed, just trying to point out that if the laid off employees were corporate, not retail, the $15/hr assumption is probably pretty low. If retail, those could be spread across the country, and $15/hr is probably pretty generous. Starbucks HQ is in the city of Seattle, which has an even higher minimum wage than the state (I think $20.76/hour now?).