Because girls can’t hang out the models too :/
Because girls can’t hang out the models too :/
Ohh yeah lick that Chinese boot, lick it harder. Mmmhhh.
Girl boring guy quirky.
The pre-modern era did not force a 40 hour work week on top of a commute, household chores and childcare to each person.
We might have far more creature comforts, but we are overall working more hours because we no longer come home with the place cleaned up, a hot meal ready, and kids taken care of thanks to unpaid spousal labor.
Everyone is working full time and the work of a stay at home parent on top of that, and with little to no community support.
The act of ‘just buying something’ involves a 15 minute drive somewhere and back because nothing is walkable anymore thanks to suburban sprawling and you can’t do anything without spending time driving, parking, and walking endlessly in massive stores that are designed to make you get as little done in as much time as possible.
You all need to stop indulging in self righteous hate for licensed animal breeders. I get it, but your anger is misplaced.
Think about it for a second. If you banned licensed animal breeding, do you really think people will stop buying and producing pure bred animals?
If you think things are bad now, you should look at what animal breeding looks like before it was regulated. Banning it outright will only create a black market who’s only incentive is to bred for grotesque traits with even less regard for animal welfare.
The majority of modern licensed breeders are working to undo decades of fucked up animal breeding by reintroducing healthy traits while preserving marketable ones. Not to mention breeders are necessary for producing dogs who can be trained as guide dogs and medical alert dogs.
The problem lies with people who shop and don’t adopt. Don’t blame licensed breeders for trying to temper the grotesque demands of animal shoppers. Whether or not you ban it, animal breeding will continue and it’s only a matter of how much more animal abuse is involved.
Ah yes, everyone who didn’t have the privilege of growing up with parents who actually care about their child’s hobbies instead of busy verbally and physically abusing them or had the money to spare to buy a working used piano, which I have never personally seen at a thrift store, instead of skipping dinner for a week is obviously making excuses.
While we’re at it, let’s also pretend that being taught by youtube is the same as having a real instructor giving you feedback and on a real piano. I don’t even know why we bother having schools or teachers anymore because after all, anything can be learned from the internet if you just pull yourself up by the bootstraps. Oh and don’t forget you parents better afford to buy you a smartphone or else goodluck watching those tutorials.
Zodiac sign haters are the same people as MBTI believers change my mind.
Unless you are either female, a minority, young, or have chronic pain in which case any mention of pain you have, no matter how extreme, is considered a drug seeking attempt.
The ER will diagnose people based on their race, sex, gender, and age before they’ll diagnose you based on your symptoms. It doesn’t matter how much you are suffering, how much pain you are in, or how close you are to killing yourself because you can’t take it anymore. ER doctors have no empathy unless you fit a certain demographic.
Women with kids: enjoying an alcoholic beverage
Society: Unacceptable!
The male-hunter female gatherer dichotomy is an anthropological myth used to reinforce gender stereotypes.