“Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one.” ― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • “I just couldn’t bring myself to (vote because system/blue team bad)”

    Republicans are fucking awful but at least they won before they started saying stupid shit and bragging. You and people like you are so much more delusional because even after this you think you did the right thing.

    Good job, people will lose everything and many will starve or take their own life because critical aid and facets of our government will evaporate at the whim of the obvious tyrant. You actual retard.

  • My brother, when half the country opposes your viewpoints and the other half side with it compromise is all you have. Yes you can win in certain states on certain policies but you’ll never get the sweeping changes you want. This administration had to fight tooth and nail for fucking student loan forgiveness and it still only ended up being a half-measure. A full-measure never would have passed which is the problem. We all want full measures but so long as the GOP exist we will never get full measures. Compromise is how we get anything done at all. Short of a civil war and a lot of dead Americans, we are at a stalemate and the best solution I personally can come up with is trying to break the the fear and anger the right uses to control their voters. But that happens with talks and compromise, not ideals and radical propositions. Steps, not leaps.

  • Who is shipping them solar panels? Haven’t seen the left push many bills to send renewable energy to rural towns. They sure as shit can’t afford to buy them so again what is the plan here? Ideals are so lovely in everyone’s mind but they’re just lip service. You can write out a plan, getting it done is the hard part. The people you’re unwilling to compromise with are standing in your way, yet everyone here bawks at the idea of getting shit done at half-steps and would rather get blocked at every leap. Radical change cannot exist with the presence of the right which makes compromise essential until that changes.

    Everyone on the left knows coal plants are bad, coal mining is bad, yet the only bills being pushed are to ban and remove them NOT supplement the jobs and workers they alienate which is why it’s taking so long to remove them entirely. The right won’t let go of the objectively wrong way to do things so long as there are people voters they can capitalize on whose lives depend on doing the wrong thing.

  • Principled failure means dogshit. If half the country don’t even know their side supports the KKK, having a fucking conversation is a lot more valuable than preaching to your base. A reminder Trump fucking won on racism and your principles meant nothing to the people who voted for him. The “No compromise, no discussion.” left on Lemmy is fucking wild. You’re barely a step removed from Anarchy and Civil War and it’s a telling how fucking sheltered you all are for even suggesting it.

  • Every position has two sides. Not all of them are equal but what you’re disregarding is perspective and the lives people live to get those perspectives. To you, climate change might be the most important issue in your life. You fight for it, campaign for it, it’s unthinkable how anyone could support fossil fuels. But the rural coal miner stranded in a small town with no jobs, no outside money coming in, they rely on coal jobs and if they lose them, they starve.

    Understanding how people get to the wrong conclusion from your perspective opens you up to being more persuasive in your ideals. Yes, we should still get rid of coal but in the back of your mind you need to remember all the people who will suffer as a result and account for it. If a coal miner won’t literally starve with their family at the loss of their job, they might be more open to leaving it.

    Class warfare is a whole other thing.