you are flinging shit at the wall and shrugging.
You think Canadian professor Marshall McLuhan is “shit” to fling? Canada is supporting Ukraine. I really don’t get your line of questioning here as a moderator.
Stephen Alfred Gutknecht
Professional in social media since 1985, created / sold social media server apps at age 15. Traveled the world to study media ecology.
“Finnegans Wake is the greatest guidebook to media study ever fashioned by man.” - Marshall McLuhan, Newsweek Magazine
you are flinging shit at the wall and shrugging.
You think Canadian professor Marshall McLuhan is “shit” to fling? Canada is supporting Ukraine. I really don’t get your line of questioning here as a moderator.
If you don’t know what you’re talking about why did you post this?
How do we know what the woman in London yesterday is specifically referencing? She was at the US Embassy, so it must be Trump related?
Her sign seems professionally designed and printed.
This might help people ? Not sure if directly related.
James Joyce apparently wrote the post title and description underneath
University of Toronto professor Marshall McLuhan’s words.
The post has a link to Wikipedia about 1968 book by Canadian professor.
“War and Peace in the Global Village is a 1968 book by Marshall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore. It contains a collage of images and text that illustrates the effects of electronic media and new technology on man. Marshall McLuhan used James Joyce’s Finnegans Wake as a major inspiration for this study of war throughout history as an indicator as to how war may be conducted in the future”
That future is now.
source for image: https://old.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/1j4f286/in_front_of_us_ambassy_london/
What am I trying to say? A woman in London yesterday was protesting Putin/Russia to support Ukraine. She is using symbolism of clothing. University of Toronto professor Marshall McLuhan described women using clothing against enemies in a 1968 book for deeper understanding of how she is fighting against Putin.