14 days ago
- libsnorble-2-dev, a C library that the author only distributes as source code and therefore must be compiled from source using CMake
Of the available options, this is easily the best since I can use my own compilation flags to tune the library for my specific target architecture/CPU which can possibly change as the deployment profile for the business case evolves. Assuming it’s OSS, I can also fork and adjust the library itself for said “mission-critical” use case.
Also, the Google product being deprecated since '17 is too real 😅…
Any similar system for Kubuntu 24.04 LTS noobs/normies like me? I don’t know what “ebuild” is, but it sounds cool (of course, I could look it up, but I thought I’d just ask).
I’m not a dev-ops dude, but for work, I develop parametric CAD solutions and generative DNNs for CAD. Lots of linear algebra and Pytorch on the GNU-Linux side; lots of Grasshopper for Rhino8 on the Win11 side. Hence, I use Docker to separate my experimental build environments from my production ones.
I’ve been kinda maintaining my shit “by hand”, so to speak, for years now, and I think I’m ready for some automation in that regard.