My eyes AND brain are vomiting all over the place.
Senior Chief Petty Officer. Starfleet is in my blood, and I’ve spent my entire adult life in service to boldly going.
Keiko and Molly are my favorite humans, but Transporter Room 3 will always be my favorite.
Just don’t ask who what’s in the pattern buffer.
My eyes AND brain are vomiting all over the place.
As I like to say, “The moral high road is filled with corpses”
1 the things that have extra holodecks that I’ve seen are just space stations, which can have larger power stations. The ship in insurrection was purpose built to trick people into thinking it was their small village that they don’t leave often. It can have all the power it needs dedicated to the holodeck and be slow with a Son’a escort for protection.
2 with you on that one.
3 also with you on this one. It just makes sense. Two people on opposite sides of the system could have dinner together in a holodeck. Easiest sell in the world after the holodeck itself.
4 the only issue I have with medical areas being holodecks is how often we see power issues in star trek. If they lose power, no med bay, no holo-docs. But if you’re already doing it, I see no reason there can’t be all the holographic doctors you need, and if the entire interior of the ship is filled with holo-emmitters then the EMH isn’t an issue.
For the record, I’m with you. I think by the end of the 2380s they should definitely be having entire swathes of ships dedicated to holographic rooms.
In Voyager, The USS Prometheus had holo-emmitters all over, so the EMH was able to walk around and take the ship back from romulans.
Incidentally I was listening to some Certifiably Ingame ship breakdowns and they touched on a ship that has holographic interiors for a lot of spaces, but since I was falling asleep at the time I am unsure which ship it is. I’m trying to peruse the Playlist to see if anything looks familiar.
Yeah but can I just be either one whenever I feel like?
I’d rather do that.
I have put more hours into red alert 2 and generals/ZH than the rest of my entire gaming collection combined…
This does bring a smile to my face.
At least you all can get your family to use it.
I can’t even get my spouse to use it unless she thinks what we are talking about might be illegal where we are (it usually isn’t)
I’ve tried convincing family to use it, but all that happens is I just never hear from them until I see them in person or they call me.
They don’t even feel the need to back up their Amazon Kindle collection before they get cutoff from it… Thousands of dollars wasted if they ever lose access to the account.
I have a picture of my wife posing in the children’s cutout in the back, I jokingly asked if she wanted a picture with it and she got excited and ran over to pose.
I mean, we were dating at the time, but one of the first dates I took her on was the Wright pat airforce base museum.
This would absolutely have worked on me when I was younger. You know, if I had enough confidence to talk to women when I went to museums alone…
I do tend to wear blue jackets…
Girl, same.
Give me autonomous swarms of T-Drones, or GTFO
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know your trigger was s*y milk, do you need a safe space to calm down before facing the big scary coffee shop again?”
A proper response to someone giving you shit about soy milk or almond milk or any other type.
Or anyone who parrots Republicans and their AnTi-wOkEnEsS lines.
Calling out reposts obsessively is weird to me.There’s more people who have not seen something than who have seen it, at least on the internet. I think most people have seen the moon…
But if I ever have a problem where the vast majority of the posts I see are reposts, I’ll simply block the channel for awhile. It costs me nothing, and takes less effort than typing out a comment complaining in every repost.
It’s the “STOP LIKING WHAT I DON’T LIKE” meme, come to life. And I’d rather let people have their fun. Doesn’t cost me, nor anyone else, a thing.
Weird, I just had a bunch of mls tell me just the other day that a comment I made was strawmanning a hypothetical tankie telling me I’m wrong.
And here we see yet another ml strawmanning.
Super Weird.
All I see is a bunch of people saying this is dystopia nightmare shit, and so far the only person I’ve seen do anything other than call it what it is is the ml comparing this to China.
Surveillance states are bad anywhere, you won’t get many people arguing that city wide government facial recognition is a good thing.
I love when people say they feel dumb because they didn’t know something, because then I get to share xkcd with them, too.
Every time I hear someone complain about a single tiny piece of plastic on the ground or someone uses slightly more than needed cling wrap, all I can think of is the couple of warehouses I used to work in a couple jobs ago.
Everything comes on pallets wrapped in about a dozen layers of cling wrap. 8-10ft tall pallets.
Every box gets opened, the items pulled out of a large plastic bag, each item wrapped in its own plastic bag.
Those items get put in other boxes, stacked on a different pallet, and wrapped in another dozen layers of plastic wrap.
The pallets get moved to a temporary spot for a few hours, then someone comes up and curs all the wrap off. Moves the boxes onto 4 other pallets, and each of those goes to a separate forklift driver who puts them on shelves.
When the item leaves, it’s placed in plastic bags, then a box, then goes on a pallet that gers wrapped in a dozen layers of plastic wrap. Onto the truck for shipping elsewhere.
They have a truck that comes twice a day to replace a shipping container filled with plastic.
So much plastic, every day, all day, they only close for Christmas and 4th of July.
Am I still going to use anything but plastic wherever possible? Sure. Am I still going to pick up that piece of plastic and put it in the recycling bin? Absolutely.
Companies suck and will blame you for their shitty treatment just like every abuser does.
In no particular order, I have French, German, Dutch, Scottish, Irish, and a teensy tiny bit of “my great great great great grandmother was native American and we actually have the proof but nobody could ever tell without a DNA test so it only gets brought up when talking about obscure family genetic lineage”
Maybe it’s because my family is super midwest-usa-bible-belt, and I never even found out about most of it until a genetics test when I got married to my now wife (we wanted to know if kids would even be a medical possibility with our various issues), but I don’t identify with any of the places my ancestors lived in, so there isn’t a particular culture I’d like to be part of. And to be perfectly frank I’m not sure I want to be part of any culture, I just want to tend to my forest with fair Goldberry my wife.
You do make a good point though, if you’re looking to be part of something or feel particularly drawn to a culture after being immersed in what you think it’s really like, I could absolutely see this happening with 100% sincerity.
“or should I say us 🇮🇹”
“Sopranos was my favorite show”
Oof. Imagine saying “roots was my favorite show so it makes sense my great great great grandparent was black”
Before I even read: it’s phishing, and it’s nothing new. There’s no evidence supporting anyone has broken this level of E2EE.
After reading: oh look. Surprise. This is my surprised face.
This just screams of “we want backdoors to be forced into encrypted things so we have even more control”
Treated lumber is a thing, and in my experience it’s harder to light than carbon fiber and resin.
My garage almost burned down once because I didn’t notice sparks from my angle grinder were pooling on a CF/R panel, and it set off a couple other things (paper towel bar, shop towel, solvent residue close to the towel) while I ran to the extinguisher.
This “article” is just an ad, and shouldn’t exist without actual journalism going on, but let’s not pretend wood can’t be fire resistant.
The last time I used skype, it was to monitor my 3d print because I needed to finish a project and my last attempt went all spaghetti.
So as I was at work I’d log into my computer from my phone, call myself with skype, and check to make sure everything was still okay.
Then I discovered octoprint.