Don’t forget jolly rancher.
Don’t forget jolly rancher.
Having had a 50lb bucket of honey I can tell you that honey use goes up dramatically because you say to yourself “well I have so much I can just use it for this, and that, and a little more on my toast…” and then friends come around asking for a little here and a little there. Unless you can be super disciplined in a way that I cannot, 50 pounds will not last more that a couple years.
I think this is an important part of the answer i don’t see mentioned much. Lots of good answers that seem right to me, amd i think also because trans people are such a tiny part of the population, they are politically not very strong. Bullies always pick on those weaker.
Yes, and this is why it’s a disorder and can be a disability despite people saying things like "autism is my super power ". It’s not funny when strict rigid thinking runs up against fluid reality. People make absolute rules in their heads and when the real world doesn’t align with those rules they can suffer real distress.
I think of myself as a neutodivergent person but I am annoyed by neurodivergent people who act like everything is binary yes/no black/white full volume/absolute silence. Like, everyone in the world knows that the gas pedal in the car is not an on/off switch and believe it or not but other things in life are like that.
We are going to need real grassroots political organizing to protect each other and civil disobedience in large numbers to slow the fascists in their persecution and environmental damage. Of course this will be harder than ever but we need to stop waiting for electoral politics to fix things and take action together.
The fact that I am not the only one thinking this is encouraging. The fact that I had to scroll this far to see such a correct comment is very discouraging and worrisome.
Talking politics in church tho? I mean I also agree with the sentiment but what happened to being citizens of the kingdom that is not of this earth? I understand lots of religious leaders are advocating for the other side, but it seems wrong to me either way.
What’s our secret? Low overhead! And we pass the savings on to you, our valued customer!
Well that’s something I suppose.
How many times over the last 4 years have I been told “Oh, they really got him now!” Do any wealthy politicians face consequences for the shady stuff they do( I include democrats in this category)?
And then I think about George Floyd who tried to buy a pack of smokes with a phony $20, and possibly didn’t even know it was counterfeit, but was killed shortly thereafter.
This is not the America I want
Die, heretic!
Some baseball scholars consider any contact between the bat and a Hindu, Sikh or Buddhist baby to be foul bunt, and therfore an automatic strike. A Scientologist, Church of Latter Day Saints or Jehova’s Witness baby on the other hand is considered a fair ball unless caught in flight with runners on first, first and second, first and third, or bases loaded (with less than two out).
What kind of Christian baby? If it’s Pentecostal I’ll hit it out of the park, but a New Southern Reform Anabaptist baby? No way!
Is no one else going to mention the possibility that this kid was severely bullied and abused? I’m not trying to suggest any justification or excuse for attacking sleeping people with hammers, but it is such abnormal behavior that it seems at least possible to me that this kid was driven to extreme violence out of desperation.
Endorsed by Negroponte? When actual evil people endorse Harris, I don’t know what to think. I am in despair for America.
OK I want LESS.
I have been wanting less for a long time. Those things I want LESS of don’t seem to be reduced by much since I became eligible to vote. Voting’s not enough.
Edit: I dont know what the hell is going on with this person. I am for damn sure not a nazi.
So practically speaking, there is no anti-genocide vote. There is no health care for everyone vote. There is no reduction in firearm caused deaths of children and teens vote. There is no anti corporate regulatory capture vote. These things just are not possible to achieve in America by voting.
VX hobbyists- I’ve noticed a lot of people start off by configuring their encabulators with the original series of kleinhoffer cam ratios, trying to get maximum deltas with the least vacuum pressure possible. It’s really better to start with dylomatic induction coefficients even if it initially seems more complicated, you’ll have an easier time later with the more commonly available j-discs.