I guess the clue was in the name, I’m done with this shitty instance,
Wow, I was not expecting this tone policing bullshit from you.
But no - what is abrasive is saying “humanity sucks” in the face of marginalised people, who have no hand in our oppression, pointing out that oppression. Not calling out someone doing this.
The patriarchy sucks. Misogyny sucks. Capitalism sucks. Humanity, which includes all of the people oppressed by those and other structures created by and for the benefit of a tiny minority of people, who band together and fight for each other and our rights and survival, shouldn’t be thrown under the bus because someone doesn’t want to, for whatever reason, diferenciate humanity and social constructs imposed on it for profit and control.
Fuck this noise, it’s like blaming climate change on “humanity” which puts billionaires who create as much CO2 in 90 minutes as the rest of us do in a lifetime, and, for example, Indigenous people who were genocided and their sustainable ways almost destroyed and continuously overlooked, on the same level of responsability.
All this is is the same old bullshit of blame shifting done by the privileged to deflect it from themselves.
What is abrasive is “all lives matter”-ing marginalised people.
In other words you see oppression, and the people fighting back against their oppression as equally shit.
Yeah, it was the least potato version I could find lol definitely well loved…
Reminds me of
If you scroll down a little there is
What if you cannot attend? There are plenty of valid reasons why you may be unable to attend a protest or other direct action — but don’t worry! You can still contribute to the safety of your comrades in the streets. Check out the Staying Home Guide for other ways you can show up in solidarity with The Uprising.
Oh, and since the exact people your post is about simply can’t help themselves and are already pouring in to mansplain and make excuses for themselves, the obligatory:
No, I really didn’t, I made a mildly snarky remark pointing out the direct implication of their bullshit statement (E: and which, if you agree with everything I’ve said, I’m genuinely confused why you’re getting defensive of), and I stand by it.
I’m sick and tired of people responding to problems we have because of very specific systems and a very small group of people with a condemnation of humanity as a whole (E: consciously or unconsciously, but very directly, helping our oppressors by shifting blame away from them), and I’m not going to be made out to be “abrasive” for calling it out for exactly what it is, nor the tone in which I do it in (which, lets be honest, was seriously fucking mild), policed.
If they don’t like the implications of their statement, perhaps they should reconsider why they made it, and not make it again in the future if they don’t want to be seen to be making those implications again. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯