Hey, thanks for feedback and suggestions! Having one more fidelity and no plus abilities is more good in games like commander and less good in standard I suppose, I thought to search for + abilities in other exiled plainswalkers, but maybe your solution is more balanced.
I don’t think is a smart decision to develop something like PeerTube but not spend some resource for maintain a presentable instance. Said that, I also think PeerTube needs more mainstream instances like here on Lemmy, even two or three medium instances would be enough to start a migration.
I hope this can be identified ad the first approach to a generalist mainstream PeerTube instance; the main issue I’ve found using PeerTube is that I can’t easily find videos from other instances, while here on Lemmy you can have pretty much everything.
“The left” is relative to the political scenario, for example in the States we can see a big right-wing advantage so even liberists are left for them, while in the historical scenario they aren’t. Hierarchy is still contemplated in the left but more you go on that and less hierarchy you have in a proportional gradualism.
There are emulators that works better as standalone, and sadly - as I love RetroArch - this is true for PS2 emulation since LRPS2 or Play! are not as good as PCSX2.
Exactly, extreme as a head of a rope relative to its opposite extreme. Don’t be fooled by the media’s fake goodism, “extreme” in this discourse is perfectly contextualized, as at the apex of the political path of progressivism.
How and when morally acceptable is the use of violence has always been the subject of deep debate mostly among anarchists. Pacifism is often misunderstood on this point: pacifism can precede forms of self-defense - and therefore violence - when it comes to self-preservation.
Liberalism is another thought to dismantle, as it has long moved historically on the right side of the political pendulum. Today’s democracies show that either you reduce it at least to bring some socialism or you create the inconveniences that we see daily from its inefficiency.
What about to upload these creators videos to PeerTube? Maybe just the best ones, like a videoarchive.
The page indicate GoW3 isn’t in “playable” state; so it can run but isn’t considered a stable experience.
Thank you