Officer you see i was speeding because my speedometer is hitler. And if i go 10mph its fine but if i go 20 then its ultra racist scumbag territory.
So why were you going 120mphs then?
Linux hobbyist, Machinist and tinkerer
Officer you see i was speeding because my speedometer is hitler. And if i go 10mph its fine but if i go 20 then its ultra racist scumbag territory.
So why were you going 120mphs then?
Honestly for saying it deanonizes people is a bit of a fibracation. Yes theoretically a threat actor could figure out what clould flare DNS sever it is. But that really doesnt do much realistically. For example qouting the researcher “i live in new york and my closest data center is in new Jersey”. Realistically what can a hacker do with that, other than know you live somewhere near new Jersey. The threat actor would gain very little and the information they supposedly gained isnt verifiable. You live near NJ but to the threat actor they would assume you live in NJ. Which is a red hairing, and thats not even bring up VPN’s or TOR into the equations. Which 99% of journalist use all the time for amenity. So in conclusion the information they gain is about the same as saying “i may or may not be near this cloudflare server”
monotone “yes mr gates i will upgrade to windows 11 and buy all the windows 11 office utilitys. Microsoft edge is the best browser it frees me from the scary concepts of choices”
"What do you mean mr computer man? I just turned on my chrome book and am watching tiktok while writting this comment. Mr computer man why cant i just unlock everything. Stop using fancy techno bable like TCIP and AES? I just want a sticky note with the master key, i also want the key to narinia and the ability to teleport. Mr techno man, please and thank you. Mr robit give me the master key like in 1995 hackers with the shitty ass mini glasses and the random terminal output "
Some people speak of things they dont comprehend and try to give advice beyond there intelligence.
I wish they made keyboard likes this still The layout is god tier
4 chan levels of poetry my friend 👌👌
I recently helped swith my friends father to linux, it wasnt originally going to install linux. But it went somthing like this.
My friend DM’d me at 9:00 telling me “my dads computer cant connect to the internet and a fan isnt spinning, he mostly wanted the internet to work” so i did some follow up, has he tried unplugging and repluging in the computers ethernet, have you tried restarted the computer. Really basic stuff, i also asked for a picture of what fan.
IT WAS THE CPU COOLER FAN!! i quickly told him to power off his pc, and asked him if i could come over to help. (Hes not very tech savy) He gave me the green, and i drove to his house. I went to the PC, and immediately checked the fan connectors and tried power cycling the computer. The fan was a BRICK, didnt even move, i noticed the PC was immaculately clean inside. I asked the friend when the last time his dad cleaned his pc. “He cleaned it yesterday” Oh what did he use? “Electronics cleaner and the air compressor” Im 99% sure your fan is cacked, i went to my bag and pulled out a new fan and swapped it in and repasted the cpu cooler aswell. Worked like new. The friend then said “ok can we see if we can get the internet working” I agreed and we flipped on the pc. It then starts to boot windows 10, 20 minutes go by and loads up the sign in page. It was defiantly a hardisk drive, his dad then punchs in his password. And the computer starts to load the desktop, it loads and loads and continued for 20 minutes and yet the mouse pointer kept spinning. I noticed the time was 1:00AM on the computer which was accurate to the real time. His dad opens microsoft edge, i asked my friend why he uses microsoft edge? “Its because its already there” which just deeply pained me hearing those words as ive recently been reading “how to seize the means of computation” which describes internet enshitafaction as a whole. So his dad opens youtube in the browser of depression. And it gives an cannot connect to internet. I told my friend i bet its time skew of the computer not being correct, i then went to the keyboard pressed SUPER+I to open settings.
it wouldnt load settings, no matter how long i waited, the mouse pointer was still spinning. I took my libre booted t440p running gentoo linux and plugged in the ethernet into my laptop and went to youtube. Yep it was the time being wrong, So at this point i asked how old the computer was? Neither of them knew, i then followed up with “how old is the hdd?” Once again nobody knew. I then opened the computer and pulled out a 2013 western digital hardrive. From what my friends dad told me, is that his pc stopped working a day ago and decided to clean it after it wasnt working. My two running theorys on why windows wouldnt load were
The hardrive is from 2013 and its 2024 so it definitely has data rot. Or he cleaned his pc and got eletronics cleaner inside the hardrive.
Either way i broke the news that the hardive was the problem, i told my friend. I theoreticly could reinstall windows on the hardive and that MAY fix it. But that would be a bandaid on a bullet hole. So i asked what the primary function this computer served. In exact qoute “my dad comes home from work and watches youtube and reads the Vietnamese news” I the rebuttaled if there was any other tasks he does on the pc or files needed off the hdd. He gave a hard nope on the files, and reassured me of his only purpose of the pc was news and youtube. I then told them to buy a 240gb ssd off of amazon which would be delivered the following day, we then upgraded to ZorinOS from windows 10. (I chose Zorin because its LTS and i use it to run my laser cutter and have never had problems with it). The install went without a hitch and the father was enjoying his preformance dancing shows on youtube.
My friend did pay me a little bit, but it was alot of fun and i never really expected to get paid. I purely did it for the fun of it and my friend has helped me out with stuff aswell.
All in all, it felt good to help other and spread foss software
Whats the compile times with intel celeron and 4gb of rams
Modern day poetry, 👌👌👌👌
Neat project but i question why they chose systemD for there init system?
there uhhh speed chamfers
Thats friggin dope, thanks for letting me know!