Right? Look I should be allowed to sell out canadian secrets to our enemies. It’s my 1st amendment right! Free speech!
And he is running to be PM. He can’t be trusted with secrets
It’s only been a fucking week! Can you believe it?
Yup, i, and my other red hat friends blame biden for not holding our hands and telling us all the bad things that would befall us! I only voted for trump because Immigrants and things that are different than me scare me.its entirely the democrats fault, I, like my orange fuhrer cannot accept responsibility. /s because of poes law
Oh! I didn’t know, thank you, we can’t use prefered names around them, wouldn’t want to offend their sensibilities
Upstanding member of society i see!
Holy shit! til I am an immigrant, no canadian born, non house owner! Fucking news to me bud. Maybe take that shit elsewhere
But why would Daniel hold her favorite people accountable?
That means he is doing a terrible job.
I mean yeah, with a resume like that, he was a perfect fit for the gop.
If only they were pro life, but we know they aren’t.
Hey let’s cheer on this guy who said he wants to get rid of vaccines! Oh shit he’s actually doing it! We NeVeR tHoUgHt He WoUlD fOlLoW tHrOuGh.
Not often enough, that’s for sure
He does. I like it when he closes his mouth and shuts the fuck up
I think you missed something here. There was a mention of austerity for the working class. I said it’s always austerity for the working class. Yes there are bigger fish to fry that had nothing to do with what was said.
The working class ain’t “rich” people though