I think the difference is that with the n-word both the targets of the insult and the non-targets recognize it as an insult. Meanwhile considering the rice-word, both parties either only know the current-day meaning or think that the insult and the description of someone making their car look (but not function) like a race car are 2 different terms with different origin.
You also seem to imply that the asian poster might have just been a white person trying to prove their point. Well here is a video of a chinese-american using it (and not as some kind of “protest slur” or what’s the term for rappers using the n-word in their songs) https://inv.nadeko.net/watch?v=68sTT4mFTnA
I agree that using terms with racist origin is bad but I think that this term outside of the linux circles cannot be racist because nobody even knows it was racist at some point. edit: Obviously it should stop being used inside the linux circles because a) people here are more likely to read the wikipedia article than watch hours of automotive video content and b) the term does not even make sense for linux desktops because it just means “to make your desktop look cool”. There aren’t cosmetic linux desktop mods that make the computer look fast or like supercomputer or whatever.
Ok but Linux-libre does not solve the security risk. It just makes hardware not work. You might as well say that any kernel module is a security risk (be it Free or proprietary) and it’s better to turn it off.
Also unlike the blobs which “can cause risks”, Linux-libre causes risks. It removes proprietary microcode updates. So the outdated (also proprietary) microcode installed on your computer leaves you vulnerable to things like Spectre.
This is potentially not an issue if OP uses ARM for example but using Linux-libre for security reasons is a really bad joke.