Huh, that’s very surprising seeing what I read about maintenance and downtime of the B1.
Huh, that’s very surprising seeing what I read about maintenance and downtime of the B1.
I already didn’t include all the setup and R&D, “Just” the building cost and spares, etc etc. If you want to include the entire program, that’s more like 2.1 billion dollar per unit, but that seemed really unfair.
Of course, marginal costs also go down when scaling up, but not hugely.
The Dark Crystal is basically a Henson muppet movie about genocide.
They’re no different from all the MAGA morons. They’re completely unable to see the world as anything but “Us vs Them”. Either the sportsteam is perfect and can never do wrong (and you love them), or they are vile, contemptible skeletor-wannabes (and you hate them).
His point was that it would be worse for russia than for everyone else. Which is a weird take to be sure, because “worse for russia than everyone else” is literally the history of the whole country.
Bodily autonomy of the person inside her during pregnany.
Even if we hold that a fetus is a person, that person is not having their bodily autonomy violated.
Even if we hold that abortion is murder, it is still morally right, because the right to bodily autonomy is more important than the right to life.
Guy who owns lots of realestate orders people to start using more realestate.
This will absolutely wreck his ranking on all those videogames he excels at!
Oh, I have this on an aging CD-rom somewhere. This is really awesome, thanks!
The B1 is by far a superior plane, on a level of wikipedia-page comparisons. Faster, newer, more space, better electronics, etc etc.
The problem is, the B-52 was originally built to last basically forever. It was made to go there, drop ALL the bombs, go home and do it again and again until you’re out of bombs or targets. It’s a literal flying brick and they will never break. The B-1 was… well, lets just say it’s intended mission was highly likely one-way, either because of the enemy blowing up the plane or the country of origin.
That different strategy means the B-52 is still very popular, because you can keep it running by a one-armed chimp with a bucket of grease and a hammer. It’s easy and basically free (as far as military planes go). The B-1 very much isn’t either, and the B-2 REALLY isn’t.
And the B-2 costs two BILLION dollars. With a B. You can literally buy two dozen B-1’s for the cost of a B-2, and have money left over to buy a really nice runway too. Nobody is going to use those for anything but the most special missions.
So, the B-52 does it what it has to do, cheaply, easily, consistently and very well. That’s why it’s still around. I’m convinced the B-1 is only still around because building more B-52’s isn’t profitable to the MIC.
My Fair Lady
Which is a movie from the quite-misogenystic-1960’s, made after a musical from the more-misogenystic-1950, after the even-more-misogenystic 1930’s movie after the 1910’s play that I don’t know anything about, but i’m willing to make a bet…
Tiny difference: The ones on the left are photographs, the ones on the right are CGI
No, but they’ll be funnelled into aiding rich Americans, close enough, right?
Most residential buildings can self sustain from solar.
Wut? Maybe on the equator, but while I can easily meet my yearly power consumption with solar panels (In fact, I net supply about 1100kWh), during this lovely winter day they generated a whopping 0.3kWh.
On the one hand, I kinda do too. But on the other, I want it to preemptively go away.
Literal millions of liters of flammable liquids will do that.
A disease called trachoma has turned his eyelids inwards, causing his eyelashes to scar his corneas so badly that one has already turned opaque.
Oh looky, an entirely new nightmare that I’ll never forget.
Just two more pops to go.
We can’t accept such a massive danger to society! Sharks can’t operate the emergency brake.