Got there via worm hole, not plot hole.
Is it loganberry proof?
A butt tuba > foot notes
I’ve had an iHome alarm clock at my bedside since 2005. It has a dock for an iPod and a utility plug for other audio devices. Many other brands of alarm clock have utility plugs for audio input as well. Phone different? Yes. Superior? No.
It is the right to bear arms not dog arms
Gonna need a bigger towel to sop up the jet fuel
Well, that depends…
Since Elons not wrapped too tight, I would have let it slide.
A few I did not see in the thread yet,
Let them eat Mac.
If Russia stopped the invasion there would be no need for using the weapons of war. Right now Russia is the one ensuring weapons of war are needed and used.
I work in a salt marshes and traverse mud flats regularly, your take is correct, stilts could slide too deep and be exceedingly difficult to retrieve. This is a general statement YMMV (your marsh may vary) Stilts could potentially sink so deep as to exceed the legs range of motion and be impossible to extract, especially if both stilts sink in. Look at the feet of birds who live in marshes, they have oversized feet (like, as you said, snowshoes) to stay on top, avoid sinking in. Stilts advantage would allow seeing further in flat terrain.
Mainline, Scotland. What is Trainspotting? I’ll take plot-lines in two words for $500 Alex.