Don’t be so aggressively ignorant then.
Don’t be so aggressively ignorant then.
I’m not even going to dignify you with a response anymore. Go take a few civic classes and shut the fuck up.
Yes, but we applied them because Russia attacked. Once we apply them we can no longer use them as leverage. If you tell China you’re going to do it even if they don’t invade Taiwan then that gets erased from the “Cons” side of the board.
I doubt it as well, but I bet it would be worth the shot. Be nice to see some allies get a much deserved windfall.
I’m the expert in this situation and I’m getting tired explaining to Jr Engineers and laymen that it is a media hype train.
I worked on ML projects before they got rebranded as AI. I get to sit in the room when these discussion happen with architects and actual leaders. This is Hype. Anyone who tells you other wise is lying or selling you something.
It’s so weird watching the masses ignore industry experts and jump on weird media hype trains. This must be how doctors felt in Covid.
That’s a green light for them to invade Taiwan then.
I was thinking of a country that might be able to use it now.
Electronics get what they deserve.
It seems like they want to downsize. I wonder if Europeans can convince the orange guy to sell some equipment at a discount rather than ship it home.
If you’re child free why aren’t you doing anything then, big man? What else do you have to live for?
Democrats can’t keep pretending theyre immune to criticism because they’re not fascists. Especially when they’re bending the knee to Fascists. You do have to keep the moral high ground to use the moral high ground.
No, this time he’s right. They both manipulate economic data shamelessly. There’s no greater evil if you ignore everything except lying about economic data for political reasons.
It’s abundantly clear the ending of book 1 wasn’t even planned. Harry Potter doesn’t even work when you look at each book individually. Even by YA standards.
Democrats never lifted a finger for me. Every time I hear them doing something it’s somehow not helping me again. My wages have stagnated while their donors got richer. Obama bailed out companies that closed production anyway. Dems handled this election so poorly it’s barely believable. I genuinely don’t know if they’re actually opposition. They seem like they’re on the same team as the other guys from where I’m sitting.
That’s not how power works.
An armed population is just ensuring their rights through threat of force just like the government doesn’t. The government has to take that into consideration when deciding if they’re going to choke more social support in favor of giving more to the keys of power.
Civ 7 is pretty bad. The wife and I picked it up early so we could play it while we took some time off work. It’s neat and the new systems are cool. I like how Civs and Rulers work. I think the game flows really well now. Too bad they just had to iron out all of the fun to get it there.
Valid UI and customization complaints aside, the AI is miserable. Even on the default difficulty I found myself being forced to play the game it wanted me to play, not the game I wanted to play.
Right out the gate we restarted twice because the starting positions can be completely non viable. I was left on a 8 hex, not counting mountains, desert. My wife started near 5 city-states/barbarians the second time. Then my expansion to three cities was cut short when three separate AI players settled directly on my boarder, put one or two armies next to my cities each and swooped in and stole a city-state I had been spending influence to win over at the last minute. The barbarians attacking from the other side intensified. I had one army on each side. I easily had the largest army in the game and had spent the entire time trying to make friends. The AI players all chose some “policy” that made them all hate me and then they dogpiled my one city. I took them to the cleaners, but still lost. I was forced to play discount total war instead of Civ. I had to push for domination and won eventually. I couldn’t denounce people, they can uno reverse that. I would spend tons of resources winning over a city states for someone to swoop in, but then out and then the city state instantly starts slaughtering my people.
The same thing happened in two other games we played. I don’t even like domination victories. The AI isn’t even unintelligent or advanced. There is always a point when everyone you know shows up to your doorstep with an army and they just leave it there to attack later. Like clockwork. My warriors lost a 1v1 vs slingers. The game just isn’t completed. They’re clearly still working on customization, UI and AI.
I don’t want to min max. I want to casually play a game with my wife. We used to play Civ 6 and 5 on Prince. We used to have fun losing in those games, but we’re not having fun winning or losing in Civ 7.
That’s why WSL is still king. You can do all your work, play all your games and still use your flavor of Linux. I even do my dev work out of it when there’s no compliance requirements