This exact mechanic is present in the Misborn book series. I don’t want to give spoilers because I recommend the books so highly, but I love the hard science nature of the way the magic system interacts with physics.
This exact mechanic is present in the Misborn book series. I don’t want to give spoilers because I recommend the books so highly, but I love the hard science nature of the way the magic system interacts with physics.
I’m no where near the CEO level, but I am a mid level manager. There are enough different things going on in my org that there is no way I could know how to do everything. However, I view my role as empowering and supporting those who do. I understand I can’t do the things, so I spend most of my time listening to those who can. The problems come when people start thinking they know better than those doing the work. I strongly believe I work for my team, and if that ever gets me out of alignment with upper management, I’ve accepted that means I’ll be let go. But this model has gotten me great success.