Yes, caching was disabled. Done again in reverse order, no time for the USB stick to cool down as I’ve popped it right into another device when it finished on the one before. And yes, the same USB stick I’ve tested with before.
- Zen3 Fedora41 PC - 5min 25s
- Zen4 Fedora41 Laptop - 3min 31s
- Zen1 Windows PC - 2min 19s
I don’t care much about RT but the reason they’ve decided to do RT implementation mandatory is quite good and revolutionary and I can’t wait to see it in action. Using RT for pixel perfect hitboxes? Sign me in!
“And now, it has been revealed that the game will use ray tracing (RT) not only to enhance visuals but also to offer key gameplay improvements, such as better hit detection and the ability to distinguish materials in a bid to make the game more immersive.”