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Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: July 18th, 2020


  • Well, the way I see it, there’s a few possibilities, with different parties to blame.

    Mechanical error would be the fault of Delta/Endeavor. This is a tested plane with many many flight hours. A mechanical issue could only be a maintenance error. But so far there have been no confirmed reports to suggest this.

    Pilot error would be the fault of Endeavor’s training.

    It could possibly be some freak gust of wind right at the worst moment. Second-to-second weather can be hard to deal with, especially at 40 km/h.

    Or if ATC failed to adequately convey the conditions for the pilots to make an informed decision, that would be the fault of the GTA airport authority/Navcan.

    TL;DR with the evidence we have so far, we’re looking at pilot error, or weather that was just wrong place wrong time.

  • The precise mechanism is beyond me, but suffice it to say that light is affected by gravity.

    If you imagine throwing a ball in space in a straight line near a massive body (like a planet), the ball will curve and its new straight path will now be permanently deviated from its original straight line.

    Now imagine instead of throwing a ball, you’re emitting rays of light in all directions near a black hole. Light you emit towards the black hole will be lost to it, but light you emitted at an angle to the black hole will swing around it, just like the ball. If you imagine all the light you emitted slightly to the right, left, up, and down doing this, you can imagine that an observer on the other side could see all that light, appearing as though you were slightly right, left, up, and down from the black hole at the same time. This is what creates the ring.

  • The whole thing about flat earthers is that they come up with more and more elaborate explanations to fit each individual observation, when Occam’s razor says that the theory that explains them all should probably be the correct one.

    Like, they’ll argue about refraction of light due to hot air being the cause for the disappearance of ships past the horizon, and then their explanation for how time zones work is something else entirely, and why we have seasons, and why planes take the routes they do, and all this other nonsense. They all need separate, complicated explanations, and they willingly accept them and vehemently deny the simplest theory that ties everything together.

    The actual explanation for this behaviour is flat earthers are a friend group, doubly so for the people who pushed “globeheads” out of their life. So to change their view is to socially isolate themselves