No it’s tied to your actions and principles.
No it’s tied to your actions and principles.
There are also plenty of Russians invading their neighbour, slaughtering thousands of innocent people.
Just like the complacent Americans sitting by watching their “leader” destroy the civility of the free world. The Russians are no better.
Actually it’s a fucking nightmare having your closest neighbour threaten your sovereignty on a daily basis.
It’s even worse when half the population actually endorses the behaviour.
I don’t hate Americans I’m just disappointed. I hope my children aren’t going to die in a trench on the same field I farm
Good thing I’m not an American.
A functioning government?
How did anyone do anything before currency was invented?
Your comment implies that what you describe is a requirement for a functioning society
It isn’t.
And inaction is just as big of a choice as action. You can’t just abstain from the choice.
The Germans civilians that lived outside the concentration camps were as guilty as the guards themselves.
Obviously I don’t believe the levels of guilt aren’t the same as say Hitler himself but they were guilty nonetheless.