hence “bringing” to airpods.
hence “bringing” to airpods.
Universal Translators, the future is here.
why don’t you actually say what happened in the headline rather than making a lame ass meme joke.
FO76 and Starfield were much much more risky than TES6 or FO5 will be.
the scope for starfield was just too much, it was doomed to fail from the beginning. i think they’ll be fine going back to their TES roots.
oblivion is my favorite in the series, but goddammit bethesda stop making remakes. make a make.
Now if this CarPlay is some trip planning feature where it automatically fills in stops based on your current range and destination, I can see that requiring some sort of special communication with the car.
yes, that is the feature they just implemented for NACS. it was already working for other networks in Ford EVs.
it’s not clear to me this is strictly limited to ford. apple added nav support for the tesla supercharger network (NACS) in maps. Ford was the first non-tesla brand with access to NACS but many others can use it now and more will in the future. Ford also released a PR statement about it but obviously they aren’t going to mention other car brands in it.
edit: as the other comment mentioned, this feature will only work with cars that share the car’s SOC through CarPlay so apple can plan your route with chargers. This is a choice of the manufacturer to offer that support, not a limitation by apple.
to be clear that doesn’t mean we should stop trying to reduce pollution. that just means we need to go harder on reducing greenhouse gasses too.
what makes wow not a live service game? aren’t all MMOs by definition live service?
Y’all are… surprisingly hard to persuade! I thought sharing a literal image of popup ads in the car would be the proof y’all needed to believe it was happening.
people are being rightfully skeptical of an auto news site using old reddit posts to promote themselves on lemmy. a single instance does not show how widespread the issue is. if you want to be a journalist do better.
seems like 80% of people are off road cosplayers these days.
good, fuck utah.
top 5 all time
also the founder is a right wing bigot.
why would you bother looking for an alternative with more or less the same features?
because the implication is the app you are using now is unacceptable in some way, and the alternatives are not, hence “better”.
siri has not been integrated with AI yet. they pushed that to 2026.
“better” is kind of implied when you suggest “alternatives”.
tv sports commentary is a complete waste of time.
they’re not talking about whole foods.