Hail the Omnissiah! Praise be to the machine-god.
Criminals can be victims, victims can be criminals. Those are two facts that have nothing to do with each other. Besides the oppressed always punch down. There is a reason why that 12 year old was mean to you when you were 7 and didn’t go to the nearest biker bar and start talking smack. If this concept is still confusing go on Blue Sky or Twitter and attract attention to yourself. Watch how fast the oppressed smell weakness on you.
Meh sometimes for local government there aren’t a lot of good options. You can’t really primary an incumbent and going independent just makes it that much harder. However, I assume you weren’t talking about city comptroller you were talking a real position like Congress or Governor
Ask yourself the same question. Not trying to pick on you but think of all the people on your side that are only on your side because of they agree with you on like 25% of the issues or because or some quality.
Just an example of something people are relatively calm about: I can be pro-union for lumberjacks but not want the Pacific Northwest to become a dead parking lot and the spotted owl to be extinct. I agree with them on one issue and not others.
I wonder how much it is the parties changed and how much it is we changed as a people. When I was a kid it was a race to the middle, the majority of the population could vote either way. Now the middle is basically gone and power is from who can get their base motivated.
Fine. I would start reading with the PERMA+ model
Why tell me? Tell all those shrinks and psychology professors who have been doing endless studies on this for a century.
Turns out Aristotle was right all along. Took us like 25 centuries to relearn it.
Let you know when it happens.
For the most part the more active and nicer you are the happier you will be. Yeah yeah you get taken advantage of, you know the same result if you are a lazy asshole.
Your insurance company is going to deny your claim, your stuff is going to break down, you will be ripped off, you will be injured, you will be robbied, and eventually you will die. All of this stuff will happen in your existence and there is fuck all you can do about it.
What you can do is stay active and stay giving. You can surround yourself with people who very much want you to be happy in life and your happiness almost completely depends on it.
So go ahead and make your decision. Do you want to pass judgement on a world that doesn’t care what you think about it and rot with whatever pathetic little you have or do you want deep connections and a lifetime of achievement.
Apparently what happens is you are rich, well-liked, respected, powerful, have a big family, and you live to a pretty old age.
Got to say your skydaddy is sending some mixed messages here.
Remind me again: doesn’t the Book of Job make it clear that anyone who says “x happens because you were bad, y happens because you are good” (without direct prophecy) is worthy of death? Doesn’t Leviticus make it pretty clear that you are not to interpret signs and omens? Doesn’t Solomon teach that good and bad happen to people regardless of how they act? Isn’t the actions of Jesus proof that success doesn’t mean virtue and neither does misfortune?
Try being an atheist, it is a lot easier. You get to just accept that if there is any justice in this world, it is the justice us humans make.
15 years ago this was an issue on my laptop.
Don’t think I made any claims about myself