You’re not the only one; there’s someone whom i won’t name (public-facing comrade who’s involved in organizing against 👮, and for prison abolition) who admitted a few years back that they love all the police procedurals; like, all the most problematic ones, too lol which i, of course teased them about.
on that note, i was really into Southland (2009-2013) (despite hating police procedural dramas);
and while it doesn’t necessarily fit into the same box, i was also hooked on The Wire, too.
Phenomenal show.
i watched it before i finally conceded that Marxist theory was important for everyone to study, and i think that it’d make an interesting re-watch and reassessment (despite the creator’s politics) through a critical, Marxist lens.
that said, here’s a relevant article:
Police Departments Spend Vast Sums of Money Creating ‘Copaganda’
By Alec Karakatsanis {July 20, 2022}
initially, i was compiling a lot of interesting material related to copaganda (entertainment) in bourgeois media, but i decided to cull it at the last second. maybe i’ll try to take some time and do it properly one day; (i probably won’t actually do it lol), but it’ll be a fun project for me if when i do.
Technically Roblox has existed since 2005 lol
i’ve only heard of it within the past few years (although i have absolutely no idea what it is). guess i’m old AND out of touch
It was more of a digital lego set back then.
just did a quick (image) search and that’s exactly what it looks like lol.
i gotta admit, it does look fun.
maybe i can get one of my grandchildren to show me how to play one day.
Roblox, when I was young.
when i was WHAT?!?
seriously… pretty much any org is fine (with the exception of that one).
it’s funny how many communists are terrified of encountering “liberalism” lol
like, please study Lenin’s
“Left-Wing” Communism, an Infantile Disorder
study theory and you should be fine.
Thx! i haven’t actually read the third one yet, but i can vouch for the first two.
i’ve read the “Dongsheng Explains No.4” (though i definitely need a refresher)
& the Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research is an invaluable resource.
& Thank You for sharing the video!

i don’t think i would’ve ever come across it otherwise.