Holy shit is that a Thief meme? They make that??!! By the Builder!
This attitude doesn’t work anymore now that the first result is a bot that doesn’t know there are only two r’s in strawberry. People might need your help sometimes and it shouldn’t be taboo to turn toward the ENTIRE internet and ask questions.
There is necessarily a scarcity of info and a period of rumor verification. I find it likely state agents are ignoring the letter of the law to do whatever they want because that is as much a part of fascism as operating within the law.
Add onto that the fact that mainstream social media is entirely at the whim of bad guys and it may be hard to get the truth until suddenly Erin Reed or someone writes about it.
You need to get out of here if this is personally making you panic. We’re okay without your help.
This skeeves me out. I wouldn’t if I were you guys.
And yet discussing progress in this manner can be a confort. All that you said was true… But what the person you replied said was also true. Two generations since fertilizer or two generations since we locked in Malthusian anarchy[please note I do not espouse Malthusianism]. Three generations since the worst war known to man and three generations that did not experience that kind of war. Glass half full, glass half empty. It’s correct to question the myth of unstoppable progress thru which you can just kick your feet up and relax. But equally is it important to keep perspective remember that, yeah, eight generations ago chattel slavery was a bonafide institution and four generations women were unfranchised. Things get better and they get worse. We make progress and it is wiped away. We still keep trying.
Can you be more specific about what results should have shown up? When you include quotation marks around a seach term it specifically looks for instances of those terms.
I dunno guys. Trump is talking about starting WW3 pretty openly. Its probably a distraction but we don’t get the benefit of ignoring an incoming president literally threatening war with our allies.
I just tried this out and it was being washy about calling it a genocide because it is “politically contentious”. HOWEVER this is not DuckDuckGo themselves, its the AI middleware. You can select whether you’re dealimg with GPT 4 mini, Claude/Anthropic and a couple others. I expect all options lead to the same psycopathic outcome though. AI is a bust.