Here’s a video of someone just playing rise, you can clearly see how low definition the models, map and textures are. Link to the reddit post since I can’t upload the video
But here’s a more direct comparison between the model of rathalos on monster hunter world vs monster hunter rise (I couldn’t upload the image for some reason so here’s the link to the reddit post)
GMOs are not dangerous, it’s ridiculous how people are still believing in that bullshit. If anything GMOs can be much healthier for us than regular crops, you know why? Because we can make GMOs that need waaaaaay less pesticides than regular crops, we can make GMOs that have way more vitamins and nutrients that the regular version of those plants lack (I’m still incredibly pissed that the golden rice incident happened, rice that can give thousands of malnourished people the vitamin A they needed to not go blind was destroyed because of this ridiculous and baseless fear). By making GMOs we can carefully make plants that grow faster, healthier food with less need of pesticides if needed at all, capable of surviving the harsh climates that global warming is throwing at all of our crops, with no negatives (intellectual property is an issue caused by capitalism, not inherit to only GMOs).