Keep your stick on the ice.
Keep your stick on the ice.
Raid 0 increases that risk though.
It’s in orbit around the Sun.
And it performs very well, especially for gui applications. It even supports multiple monitors for the guest.
For running a desktop it’s clearly superior and “fast enough”. I used it to run my primary development environment for years.
Raid level 0 increases risk of data corruption should there be a disk failure… Don’t do that.
There’s nothing better than virtual box for desktop environments, especially after you install the guest tools.
I don’t know what you mean by “it eats resources” - of course it does, you’re emulating and entire system. What are your expectations?
But what does. Be specific. Are you prompted on the CLI or is there a pop-up window that you’re entering credentials into?
What does “doesn’t allow sudo” mean? Did you get an error that provided a reason? What exactly did you do?
They know, the wanted to run xscreensaver though.
It’s really quite simple - but works pretty well. There are 3 components:
A simple systemd service that starts a kiosk script.
ExecStart=/bin/bash /home/pi/
The script in /home/pi/ just starts a web browser in full-screen mode pointed at my home assistant instance:
xset s noblank
xset s off
xset -dpms
export DISPLAY=:0.0
echo 0 > /sys/class/backlight/rpi_backlight/bl_power
unclutter -idle 0.5 -root &
/usr/bin/chromium-browser --noerrdialogs --disable-infobars --kiosk $LANDING_PAGE
I have a very simple python/flask service that runs and exposes an endpoint that lets you turn on/off the display. It’s called by a homeassistant automation for when the motion detector senses or hasn’t sensed movement.
Here’s the python - I have this started from another “kiosk.service” systemd service as well.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import subprocess
from flask import Flask
from flask_restful import Api, Resource
def turn_off_display():
with(open(backlight_dev, 'w')) as dev:
def turn_on_display():
with(open(backlight_dev, 'w')) as dev:
class DisplayController(Resource):
def get(self, state):
if state == 'off':
elif state == 'on':
return {'message': f'Unknown state {state} - should be off/on'}, 500
return {"message": "Success"}
def init():
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = Flask(__name__)
api = Api(app)
api.add_resource(DisplayController, '/display/<string:state>'), host='', port=3000)
You can then have the HA rest action call this with “http://pidisplay:3000/display/on” or off.
For apt to install a local file I think you need either a fully qualified path or to use “./” at the start for a relative path.
So “./$1/opensnitch_${1}_amd64.deb”
apt install 1.6.5/opensnitch_1.6.5_amd64.deb 1.6.5/python3-opensnitch-ui_1.6.5_all.deb
Edit: Here’s a better example of what I think you would want:
# Often good to assign a numbered parameter to a variable
apt install "./${VER}/opensnitch_${VER}_amd64.deb" "./${VER}/python3-opensnitch-ui_${VER}_all.deb"
Also - when debugging bash scripts it’s often helpful to just put “echo” before the line you’re questioning to see what exactly is being run. e.g.:
echo apt install "./${VER}/opensnitch_${VER}_amd64.deb" "./${VER}/python3-opensnitch-ui_${VER}_all.deb"
That will show the the command that would have run rather than running it, then you can inspect it for errors and even copy/paste it to run it by hand.
I’ve got a RPI running a full-screen ‘kiosk’ view from homeassitant that turns an external display on/off based on a motion sensor.
So basically it’s showing current temperatures, thermostat control, etc. but I have the display turn off after X minutes of no movement and turn on when there has been movement so it’s only on when you’re in the room.
I hate when people say that they’ll only move when it has 100% support
Why do you give a shit what os others use?
Dad would be controlling the “thumper” with an app today.
selinux and a kernel based sandbox.