Can i count attempted homicide? The problem with violent death in europe is that it’s quite skewed by terrorist attacks, like in france 2015, 31 were “homecide or attempt” but it doesnt split that statistic into two columns which it should i.m.o, and also most countries don’t seem to register anti semitic killing seprately (maybe some because there were none/few?) Are violent attacks not a valid reason to be afraid for your safety? That looks easier to look up as many countries does register that statistic.
I honestly think that might be a pretty bad metric because most murders belong to three categories.
For 2 and 3, i don’t believe any ethnicity is exempt.
All that statistic will show is that it’s far more dangerous to be a criminal wifebeating drunk than the average population and i haven’t heard of many jew-gangs.
Example- a gang fight causes 100 people to die. One jew is killed from an antisemitic crime. Now, if the jewish population is 1% of the total population, we would have an equal amount of jewish deaths as the average population, but criminals mostly kill eachother so it’s still obviously more dangerous to be a criminal than a jew but the antisemitic crime weighs more compared to the non-criminal population. So we would have to exclude a whole bunch of murder causes to get a reasonable result and define those, or you know, just use the antisemitic deaths as a factor from the start.