You can thank Reddit for your new success, and I hope it continues. I was a 12 year member, with nearly a million Karma, and i was perma-banned for an opinion that I had stated numerous times with no problem. After the election, the same opinion got me permanently banned.
That was their excuse anyway. In reality, Im sure it was 12 years of resistance posts against the rising treason, corruption, and oppression of the Republican/MAGA/Nazi party. Now they are deleting any mention of Luigi, even in legit Mario Bros/Videogame discussions, and banning people just for upvoting. They are kicking out old, loyal, active members, just for using Reddit for what it was supposed to be used for. Kind of like what the FBI is doing to their agents who investigated HitlerPig’s corruption and treason. Its the MAGA way, and Reddit is on board.
I wondered why Reddit would have so obviously made the choice to voluntarily join the Conservative Propaganda Machine, then I saw that Ohanion wants to buy TikTok. So does Zuckerfuck, and probably a lot more (Bezos? Musk?). They all know that it will be HitlerPig who will choose, and he will choose the guy who smooched his ass the most, and paid the biggest bribe. So turning Reddit into a MAGA propaganda mouthpiece was Ohanion’s show of good faith.
I hope Reddit goes the way of Digg, and Lemmy takes over. The decentralization seems like a massive improvement over Reddit.
Try living it. As an American citizen, I have never lived with such a high level of stress and anxiety in my entire life. I am a lifelong student of history (I have a degree in a branch of history), and I KNOW where the kind of government we have now leads, and there are NO positive outcomes for the majority of Americans. Frankly, I don’t think the potential outcomes will be good for the Sociopathic Oligarchs either, but they are too blinded by their sick obsession with greed and money to see it.
I don’t see us getting out of this without a lot violence, destruction, and death.