A few decades ago I bought a used IBM as a *nix server, but it would lock up at nearly random intervals like you describe. Tried a different Linux distro… same issues. Tried BSD - same issues!
It wasn’t until after I learned of the 1999-2007 capacitor plague that I inspected the motherboard and saw that yes, several of the capacitories were bulging.
I mailed the motherboard to a servicer who replaced all the capacitors for a nominal fee. After that it was a rock solid system. You mention that this is recent hardware, but I would still suggest taking a peek at those caps.
A few decades ago I bought a used IBM as a *nix server, but it would lock up at nearly random intervals like you describe. Tried a different Linux distro… same issues. Tried BSD - same issues!
It wasn’t until after I learned of the 1999-2007 capacitor plague that I inspected the motherboard and saw that yes, several of the capacitories were bulging.
I mailed the motherboard to a servicer who replaced all the capacitors for a nominal fee. After that it was a rock solid system. You mention that this is recent hardware, but I would still suggest taking a peek at those caps.