- For directions, I use OrganicMaps.
- For location bookmarks/pins, I’m currently building an app, so I use that.
- For checking business information, sometimes i’ll still use google maps
For your consideration, the Calvin and Hobbes Search Engine: https://michaelyingling.com/random/calvin_and_hobbes/
Edit to show example search for “freight train”: https://michaelyingling.com/random/calvin_and_hobbes/search.php?phrase=freight+train
I didn’t make this site, I just find it to be very useful for this extremely niche use case 🤣 Although, weirdly, it seems to be linking the wrong strip for this particular one. Dunno why, I’ve never seen it do that before.
Huh really? I haven’t had that issue. But we might be totally different use-cases; If I’m routing, I’m usually in major cities mapping a route via public transit. I quite like OrganicMaps for this, because it’s still quite stable in underground subways when internet is sus.
edit: To be clear, I haven’t noticed issues when I map for driving either, but I’m admittedly not driving a crazy amount.