The best description of reddit’s WallstreetBets sub I’ve ever seen.
The best description of reddit’s WallstreetBets sub I’ve ever seen.
I think the point is that he’ll do anything to be popular with the people that support him. He doesn’t have any values other than wanting to be rich and in charge.
Sadly, transgender people have become an easy scapegoat for rich people to point to and say “this is why you’re not doing as well as you think you should. These people are stealing from you.” The meme of the rich guy and the plate of cookies is as real as it gets.
By the way that’s rich people on both the left and the right. The Democrats are not your friends. To them you’re just an easy way to rope leftists into voting for them.
In the article there was a guy who was saying that the Democrats should remember what their values are. But the fact is that the only thing the Democrats value is the power that they have in our government. The gays saw this same dynamic back in the '90s when Bill Clinton was using them to claw his way to the top of the democratic party only to abandon them for the presidency.
This all furthers my belief that the Democratic party needs to fall. They need to be broken and a better party needs to rise up in their place. Once upon a time I thought Bernie could lead that charge but he does not seem willing to do what’s necessary. Which is to say completely break with the Democrats and cast them out as being not leftist, not even centrist but neoconservative or perhaps Right Wing-lite. They are now 1970s Republicans.
Can we talk about the fact that Wyoming shouldn’t even be a state based on their miniscule population.
Only if he can get the credit.
And money. These people only really care about the money.
Obligatory “I’m sorry Jon”