In my experience, this shows up if I mention an attached file somewhere in the email.
In my experience, this shows up if I mention an attached file somewhere in the email.
I like that it is this easy to vote without eID, since eID is a pain in the ass.
But I fear how easy it is. Country+national ID number +name+surname? A lot of people have that information about me. It would not be hard to cheat if someone wanted to.
EDIT: corporations have that combination of data of all their employees, for example.
For those interested in Spain politics.
Spain is divided in autonomous communities (AC), they are like states of USA.
There was an enormous flood in the AC of Valencia. Since the right wing rules over that AC, they handled it horribly. The left wing government and other ACs offered aid, however Valencia refused it, multiple times.
Of course, the right wingers are blaming it on the left wing government for not doing enough.