I’m kind of noob in general terms and I’m afraid I’ll be leaving dual boot just in case.
ArchLinux is the other alternative.
Never change internet. Never change.
OP, don’t go with the hype, don’t go arch Linux as your first distro, you can change to it later when you get more comfortable and feels like having a more hands on approach.
PS: I don’t think that matters but just in case, I am an arch user for at least 12 years already as my only OS (except work computer) and I find it wild that so many people recommends arch Linux (or any of its derivatives) for beginners. I can only guess how many people get burnt and give up on Linux because of it.
It is hard to read someone acknowledge that some of the reasons people seek refuge is directly result from the wealthiest nations fucking up the planet for profit while the firsts to take the effects are the poor nations that very little contributed to said catastrophe and goes:
“sorry, there is no space for you. It is true that we are ripping the fruit of centuries of imperialism and unchecked destruction of nature and sorry that it affects you guys the most, but we cannot make space and give up the way of life that we killed the planet for”