LOL You can’t trust lawyers here! I know! You definitely can’t trust psychiatry, police and judicial system. They illegally lock people up with fraud. You’re delusional! But that’s the psy ops probably.
LOL You can’t trust lawyers here! I know! You definitely can’t trust psychiatry, police and judicial system. They illegally lock people up with fraud. You’re delusional! But that’s the psy ops probably.
And they still do it in Europe too.
Thank you for your comment. I try to be earnest. Given my personal knowledge I see the article as information warfare by the Brits. Police, judicial system, psychiatry, lawyers illegally incarcerate people in Europe with fraud.
Yes they care. They have effectively restricted my communications. Here in Europe. It’s just upsetting to see this weaponization of reality. The Brits should do a documentary about their own first. They for sure have their own! I’m not aware of much journalism on the topic!
Long story. Personally identifiable. Tired of getting tied down. I’m still tied down. It’s not over for me. See you. You all try to get me into trouble over this.
No there’s just no article/ documentary about this reality in Europe. It happened to me in Europe. Reality is obviously being weaponized. And I do have evidence.
Evidence is in any case personally identifiable. I would talk to journalists.
No there’s just no article or documentary about this reality in Europe. I was tied nude to a bed and injected with drugs without consent! In Europe! Lawyers, psychiatry, judicial system: all corrupt.
It is in any case personally identifiable. I would talk to journalists.
Trust me bro isn’t evidence
Get me to China or whatever and I’ll talk to journalists?
What does “fraud for illegal incarceration” mean? U believe fraud was committed hence u where illegally incarcerated?
Seems about right
And I experienced it myself! In Europe! Where’s the documentary about this reality in Europe? I was tied nude to a bed and injected with drugs without consent. Again, in Europe, not in China.
I let you know I have evidence. I however don’t trust you with the fraud for illegal incarceration.
And it is hypocritical propaganda. They do it right here in Europe. They did it to me!
You want to see fraud for illegal incarceration? I have it. You would probably just trust in fraud, why would I trust you?
I was recently illegally psych warded with fraud twice. They injected me with drugs without consent.
I don’t normalize it. It was horrible but they did it to me in Europe!
Stop down voting me! They did it to me in Europe!
It’s all just real and you people are delusional. You believe the psy ops. I’m disillusioned.