The weird thing with this one is that America already has a thriving wine and sparkling wine industry. $ for $ I vastly prefer CA reds over French or Italian. Now, in the higher end I will switch to preferring French or Italian, but a $20 pinot from Central Coast is way better than a $20 “Burgundy” or “Tuscan Red.” Getting into the $50 range it starts being pretty equal, and then in the $100+ range the European wines start dominating.
So a tariff won’t really help the US at all, since we already have what he says is his intended purpose.
No. I just read whatever is on top of the stack of books waiting to be read, unless a new book in a series I’m already reading just came out, then I’ll start that.
If there isn’t a book that is screaming your name from the shelf, then you aren’t going to miss out on some life changing moment. Books aren’t instantaneous moments that you’ll miss out on. Your experience might be different if you read a book when you are in your teens vs when you are in your 20s vs in your 40s, but if you read a book now vs in a few weeks, I think you’ll be OK.