Merde c’est le conversabot que Bruno le Maire utilisait pour le calcul du déficit de la retraite qui a été rendu public.
Merde c’est le conversabot que Bruno le Maire utilisait pour le calcul du déficit de la retraite qui a été rendu public.
- Immanuel Kant, Critic of the political compass shitposts
C’est probablement la seule chose dont on peut être absolument sûr dans ce monde d’incertitudes : Larcher aura toujours son cul au chaud. C’est rassurant.
Very strong praxis, very nice.
I’m starting to think these people are as afraid of a keyboard as I am of a phone.
“Yeah sure, they asked me 12 times they needed that info in writing… but maybe they meant in writing or… over the phone? Maybe I will call again to discuss it. Surely it will be okay. They will be grateful that I didn’t write an email. Who likes that?”
Yes you does
I usually go with "Test. Mentioning the existence of this message can make you the target of all sorts of unpleasant things. Ignore this message or else.
You don’t get it. You’re still acknowledging the existence of the message since you’re reading it. You still don’t get it. Either this message exists, or you do. It’s a zero-sum game. Do you enjoy existing?
Are you thinking about it? Wrong.
I am even more disappointed by that guy’s choice to work only 6 days a week.
I do not believe in sleep or rest.
I firmly believe that CEOs require diapers, not toilet breaks.
I used to shit myself continuously at the office, the stench was unbearable. And yet I went on, staying at my desk, asking people to come in to berate them.
I chose to be estranged by my whole family. My kids hate me. My wife despises me. My father won’t talk to me. Even my mother loathes me.
I managed all that by dedicating every second of my life to my job, so that I can die miserably and get a gravestone saying ‘lmao the shitman’s dead, rest in shit loser’.
L’acronyme à été choisi par une IA :
C(enseignement par)
E(Éducation nationale)