I’m not versed at all in those matters. I trust what you say is correct, and I agree wholeheartedly.
I’m not versed at all in those matters. I trust what you say is correct, and I agree wholeheartedly.
What I can see on the ground is that something switched in the average queb’s mind when we felt that the RoC materially and firmly stood out to protect/affirm our identity.
That’s basically the bulk of the whole province’s fears that evaporated overnight.
I suspect that Canada’s intercultural identity will only continue to rise, and paradoxically, a stronger, more united nation will arise from this.
I personnally set out to learn more first nation culture and discovered a trove of wonderful and inspiring cultural forms that I think should absolutely inspire a renewed sense of unity (Récits de notre terre: Abénakis).
My hot take is that we need more federation and coalition-building, not less. That’s why I would absolutely join the EU in an instant.
Libs should switch leaders again just for the laughs.
I see ! Thank you for that :)
I understand what you mean, really. I just think the methods of circulating that info can sometimes seem or feel ecclesiastic.
In my opinion, context and rhetoric matter. That’s why I joked a little. But I don’t mean no harm, truly. And I appreciate what you do.
Original commenter: jokes in class solidarity
Response: « I appreciate the attempt, but what you said was wrong on sooooo many levels, in this essay, I will… »
Moi, après m’être fait downvoté:
If it walks like a republican…
I didn’t think about it this way !
When you see a flock of guys like me fighting for upvotes on an ITYSL post. You go in. YES YO DO. YOU GO IN.
Quand on y pense, on est tellement proche de vivre dans une utopie. On produit pour nourrir 3 fois la population humaine. Quel gâchis.
You can say what you want about Trudeau’s reign, but his last months have been spotless.
I wish you were wrong. But I see no lies here.