I see ! Thank you for that :)
I see ! Thank you for that :)
I understand what you mean, really. I just think the methods of circulating that info can sometimes seem or feel ecclesiastic.
In my opinion, context and rhetoric matter. That’s why I joked a little. But I don’t mean no harm, truly. And I appreciate what you do.
Original commenter: jokes in class solidarity
Response: « I appreciate the attempt, but what you said was wrong on sooooo many levels, in this essay, I will… »
Moi, après m’être fait downvoté:
If it walks like a republican…
I didn’t think about it this way !
When you see a flock of guys like me fighting for upvotes on an ITYSL post. You go in. YES YO DO. YOU GO IN.
Quand on y pense, on est tellement proche de vivre dans une utopie. On produit pour nourrir 3 fois la population humaine. Quel gâchis.
You can say what you want about Trudeau’s reign, but his last months have been spotless.
Libs should switch leaders again just for the laughs.