🏳️🌈 lui/he/him 📍Bologna (IT)
Arti visive, graphic design, videogiochi, astronomia, caffè, diritti LGBT, gatti e cose ignoranti
Nel tempo non libero faccio il grafico
Scrivo una tesi sull’onboarding al Fediverso, #TheFediGuide
Visual arts, graphic design, videogames, astronomy, coffee, LGBT rights, cats and silly stuff
In my busy time I’m a graphic designer
Writing a thesis about Fediverse onboarding, #TheFediGuide
Foto ❦ never tried RDR, but I heard multiple times about that. I don’t think I’ll try it since the manufacturer explicitly advises against that technique, however I think I’d still prefer to clean it at least once a couple of days, so the hustle of assembly would remain. Fortunately seems like I’m getting used to it, they could have done better tho
Turns out I’m a little dumb and I read the K6 precautions incorrectly
RDT is not actually discouraged. They just advice against spraying water directly on the metal parts of the grinder
So there’s that. It is not so sensible to corrosion as I was firstly worried about. Yay