Better to die childless than produce more slaves for the parasitical oligarch class.
Better to die childless than produce more slaves for the parasitical oligarch class.
The US is straight up owned by oligarchs. They can steal data, build products around said stolen data, and make you pay for the product built around said stolen data. But god forbid you dabble in piracy just so you can read a book, or a research paper, or expand your education without making anyone rich. No, only the parasite class is allowed to rake in billions of pieces of stolen content and force feed that back to you.
If artificial intelligence can be trained on stolen information, then so should be “natural” intelligence.
Oh, wait. One is owned by oligarchs raking in billions, the other just serves the plebs.
Why is about time? What are your main criticisms towards Mozilla?
When have illegal wars ever stopped the Americans?
I’m sorry but let’s not forget that Iraq was a thing.
I’m sorry but why would any country give up its nuclear arsenal today? Very serious question.
We all know that the international rules based order doesn’t give a crap about any of that. Ukraine gave away its nuclear arsenal in the 90s in exchange for security guarantees from Russia, the US, the UK, and so on. And we’ve all seen how that went. (See Budapest Memorandum)
Israel has had a nuclear arsenal for decades and no one seems to make such a big fuss about it.
Iraq got invaded by the US in an illegal war under false premises that they were building WMDs. Now we know that even the US government knew at the time that those claims were bullshit.
So again, why would any country capable of building nuclear weapons not do so? Give me a list of actual incentives.
Soon they’ll start building freedom camps around these cities and will fill them up with the millions of incarcerated Americans so they can work towards freedom. As Germans have put it before, work makes you free.
Dad calls me randomly one evening. He can’t find the youtube app on his smart TV. I try to help him navigate it but over the phone communication isn’t really working especially since things I assume anyone would know (like the home button on the remote) don’t translate well to him. He gets pissed and tells me “why do you even work as a programmer what did you even learn in university?”. Apparently I missed my Samsung smart TV UI classes.
This has to be the most american headline I’ve read this year
There was a website/app listing all targeted companies. What was its name?
All languages other than German and English are banned at these protests in Berlin. It’s not only Arabic. Irish is also banned (see link below). Same goes for Hebrew (as per Hebrew speaking pro Palestine activists). And most likely any other language other than German or English would get instantly banned. This isn’t normal in a democracy. But sure, go find more excuses for the egregious attacks on our freedom of speech and assembly.
Watch germans scramble to take the side of cops, as usual. I’ve heard boots are a speciality this season.
“The restriction” being: speaking any language other than german or english at a protest.
I think this should be spelled out. That’s how nazi this is
Okay, there is stuff like LEFT, DEMOS (?), SENS, etc. but these hold zero seats anywhere. Not even in city councils. They’re practically parties you’ll only heard about if you spend time on Romanian Reddit or some other fringe groups online.
I think SENS was the only one to become a bit more visible than the rest but that’s it.
There’s also stuff like USR, which is a neoliberal party that slowly drifted to become more socially conservative.
And there’s REPER that has zero seats, is socially left-wing but financially liberal/right wing.
Well, that’s the issue, those were not the legal grounds for his removal. Those would’ve been better than the current situation.
The electoral office basically barred him because of the previous decision made by the constitutional court to stop the election process because of his supposed ties to an unnamed, foreign government and discrepancies in his declarations regarding his funding (basically he claimed to have spent zero euros on his campaign even though it is proven that multiple millions have been spent to run his campaign for him).
In the meantime, we’ve only heard that he might have had connections to Russia and what not, but no concrete proof has been laid out. At all. Only rumors and information that slowly drips out from anonymous sources supposedly involved with the investigation.
Now don’t get me wrong, I hate the guy’s guts. I’m the complete opposite of what that man stands for. I’m a queer socialist. But at the same time I can recognise that our authorities kind of fucked up massively here. They need to be transparent. With the way they’re handling the situation right now they’re just turning this fascist into some sort of martyr.
As a Romanian I’m on the same page as you. While I completely despise this guy for his ties to the fascist movement in Romania, his corrupted political allies, and his closeness to dictators like Trump and Putin, barring him from running for office is a big mistake if no concrete evidence against him is actually laid out. A democracy should be transparent. This entire ordeal wasn’t.
Which “left” are you even talking about? Romania has virtually no left-wing parties. Even the social democratic party in Romania isn’t left wing, from their social policies to their economic ones. There’s no such thing as “the left” in Romanian politics.
As a leftist, I agree. Fuck those Putin bootlickers.
This spineless mouth breather just realised there’s a buck to be made by glazing other alt-right mouth breathers. At least he can finally be himself now. Thankfully, his product is just google chrome repackaged and thereby sucks major ass.
Well this software is more intended for administrative staff working for the government, so I don’t think that decentralisation is their goal here.