Was the logitech mouse not supported by libratbag (backend of Piper)?
Was the logitech mouse not supported by libratbag (backend of Piper)?
Same in Dutch,
“Vijf voor half vier”
It is a move to decouple from the USA for critical infrastructure. They don’t want to be in a similar situation as Ukraine in any potential conflict. Where the USA just says we will no longer allow you to use our computer chips for war with Russia.
I will try in the Linux community. I was planning to look at the drives suggested and look up compatability afterwards and if someone knew one that worked that would have just been a bonus.
Yes, sorry English is not my first language so sometimes I make mistakes.
As for the Linux thing it was more that sometimes hardware just doesn’t work with it, that is why I mentioned it. I was more looking for a recomendation on a dvd or blu-ray (with cd capability for ps1 games) drive that people had good experience with.
Sorry I thought you would have a recommendation for a decent external disk drive do I could back up and run my ps2 games through emulation.
I agree with you on that one, but since we do not have official support we will have to get by with the hard work of the community.